You can even gain double points earned from WoW Classic SoD Gold our threat rally. You'll earn honor point of 121 points for doing the bonus goals. Also, if you kill the boss or the opposite of the boss and capturing four bases, which will earn you 600 points in total. Then you can earn additional points for winning or losing.
You can get up to above a 1k points. It's the fact that you just rushed into a base. Therefore, a rush to the base defendant's house evidently, but one game should last between 9 and 11 minutes. So let's go with 10 minutes here, just as an average, which is it's 10 mins per match.
And I've been doing this for about three hours on stream, well two and two and a half hours. And we are averaging about 1000 points for each game. Let's look at the fact that we're receiving around 700 points per Louis and 1100 for each win, we have been winning quite a few. Even if you're losing, you're still getting extremely quick on points. We had 4000 points per hour, even when we're losing every single game.
After we've won some games, we're getting like 6000 on the per hour. So let's find out what you can achieve with this equipment, and also the actual event itself. Because it's beginning in the present or already underway. It's possible to jump into Alltrack valley right now, and it will continue throughout the weekend.
Let's go. Okay, so you can see the current time right now it is 3:39am Although I'm a bit late at the moment, as I've just completed a 15 and a half-hour live stream over Twitch. If you're not following me on Twitch and want to see me live, then go ahead and the link will be in the description below. I am streaming a lot during the pre patch . need to prepare to complete for rough.
And I'll be streaming many times in Wrath itself. There's a goal for donations up there. I'm going to disable the donation goal for the rest part of the clip, however it was there to support the stream. That's it. Let's take a examine what you can get here because you can purchase some very simple and beautiful gear. Let's take a look at the weapon. In this case, I'm using a weapon from the blood ring, which deals me an average of 81 damages per second.
This one is a bit more powerful, giving me the ability to deal 114 damaging per second. And it costs me 19.000 honor points for WoW Season of Discovery Gold doing battlegrounds or ultra violet specifically, for two and a half hours. We are setting on what 14.4 1000 points or 6000 per hour. That's extremely impressive. I think we beat eight or nine battlegrounds, and the last five or six.